Big Changes for Dickson Geesman
Kathy Dickson
Kathy has retired from litigation, apart from a few ongoing cases. In the future, she will continue to serve as a court-appointed mediator; and will be available for private mediation of employment matters and as a monitor or discovery referee in employment cases. Kathy’s email remains: kathy@dicksongeesman.com.
John Geesman
John is continuing to represent clients in California regulatory proceedings related to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, although the primary focus now is on decommissioning the plants and dealing with the remaining waste. To contact John, please email him at john@dicksongeesman.com.
Emily Nugent
Emily has started her own employment practice, Emily Nugent Law. Her law office address is 935 Moraga Road, Suite 200, Lafayette, CA 94549. Her phone number is 510-371-4456. You can email her at emily@emilynugentlaw.com.
Zoë DeGeer
Zoë DeGeer is now practicing employment law as an associate at Rudy Exelrod Zieff & Lowe, LLP in San Francisco. Her phone number is 415-230-3445. You can reach her by email at zrd@rezlaw.com.
Petra Wach
Petra assists Kathy on a part-time basis, and also works part-time at Rukin Hyland & Riggin LLP in Oakland; Petra continues to assist individuals with leisure travel planning in her capacity as a travel consultant. To reach her for Dickson Geesman matters, her phone number is 510-919-4220 and her email is petra@dicksongeesman.com. For Rukin Hyland & Riggin matters, her contact information is 415-421-1800 and pwach@rukinhyland.com. For assistance with travel, please contact Petra at 510-393-9601 or email her at petrawach@gmail.com
Denise Kwan
Denise is a full-time paralegal at Gibbs Law Group LLP. You can reach her there at 510-350-9255. Her email is dsk@classlawgroup.com.