Kathryn Dickson – Mediator and ADR Neutral

After a highly-successful litigation career spanning over 40 years, Ms. Dickson is now available as a private mediator, consent decree monitor, and discovery referee. In addition to her litigation practice, Ms. Dickson has served as a mediator in employment disputes for over five years. She has mediated cases involving most areas of employment law, including: discrimination based on age, race, religion, disability, national origin, and pregnancy; sexual harassment; whistleblower/retaliation; wrongful termination; violations of the California Family Rights Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and the Equal Pay Act; and employment-related defamation.
Kathy has been a frequent speaker on employment issues, and has made presentations to the American Bar Association, the California State Bar Labor and Employment Section, the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA); the California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA); American Law Institute – American Bar Association (ALI-ABA); the Pacific Coast Labor and Employment Law Conference; the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, and many others.
Kathy has served for years as a Court-appointed Early Neutral Evaluator and Mediator for the U.S. Federal Courts. In addition, she served on the governing Council of the American Bar Association Labor & Employment Section and is a past Board Member of both NELA and CELA, the largest national and state organizations of lawyers representing employees.
Kathy consistently earned accolades, including annual listing among the “Top 50 Women Lawyers in Northern California” and the “Top 100 Lawyers in Northern California” — both of which cover all fields of law — and was elected to the prestigious national College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.
She is a graduate of Stanford University and the UC Hastings School of Law.
Mediation Information
To schedule a mediation or obtain information on available dates, please contact Ms. Dickson’s assistant Petra Wach at 510-919-4220 or petra@dicksongeesman.com.
Rates for Mediation
Ms. Dickson currently charges $9,000 per day for single-plaintiff mediations. The mediation fee includes all preparation time, a full-day mediation, and reasonable follow-up.
Mediation Statements
Mediation statements are due one week before the mediation. Counsel are encouraged to exchange briefs. Typically, the brief should not exceed 15 pages, excluding exhibits. Briefs are to be emailed directly to Ms. Wach (petra@dicksongeesman.com) and Ms. Dickson (kathy@dicksongeesman.com).
Other ADR Services: Court-appointed Monitor and Discovery Referee
Ms. Dickson is available to serve as a court-appointed monitor for consent decrees or as a result of injunctive relief, or as a discovery referee in all types of employment cases. For a CV and additional information for such services, please contact Ms. Wach.
Rates for Monitor and Discovery Referee Services
Ms. Dickson charges $900 per hour for work as a court-appointed monitor or discovery referee.
Kathy has served for years as a Court-appointed Early Neutral Evaluator and Mediator for the U.S. Federal Courts.